Leyli and Farhad are watching tv in their living room .As a result of ongoing global pandemic of Covid 19 officials have announced lockdown all over the country.Leyli is following her training program on the satellite tv in the living room. With the current pandemic and the official lockdown all the indoor gyms are closed.Farhad is using the treadmill to keep being active. As a result of pandemic and the official lockdown most of the public parks are closed to visitors.Leyli tries to keep herself busy by sewing.In the current global pandemic and lockdown circumstances everyone’s biggest concern is keeping the mind and the body as active as possible.Farhad is using the treadmill to keep being active. As a result of pandemic and the official lockdown most of the public parks are closed to visitors.Leyli and Farhad are watching the news to follow the updates and government plans regarding covid 19 pandemic being announced by President Rouhani. It is really important to keep updated as the offical lockdown has effected businesses the public massively.Farhad loves to spend his time to take care of his plants and flowers in the garden . This helps him to keep himself busy during global pandemic circumstances.Leyli is baking bread in her kitchen to avoid going to bakery and queuing for long. As it is impossible to sanitize or wash bread WHO has recommend to consume home baked breads.Leily is back after doing the shopping wearing a mask and gloves. Farhad is sanitizing the goods using water and alcohol. This way announced by WHO really helps to prevent spreading of covid 19.Leyli and Farhad are talking to thier son and daughter in law leaving abroad via interneet. They are in home quarantine as well.The only way to stay connected under current circumstances are internet and social media.Leyli and Farhad have used a candle holder to hang their masks . The current ongoing global pandemic has caused big problems in supplying masks therefore people have to sanitize the ones they got and use them again.Leyli is styling her eyebrows in her bedroom. As a result of global pandemic hairdressers and beauticans are closed as their jobs require close contact with the customers. DIY is common nowdays.Leyli amd Farhad constantly following the latest news about the Corona virus while doing house chores. Hearing shocking news of the number of deaths because of Corona and the fast spread of it and the situation that people around the world are dealing with is really overwhelming.Farhad is working on university projects while being in self-quarantine. Farhad and his students are staying in touch only online due to closure of universities and mandatory working from home. He spends alot of time getting used to this new method in his working and personal life. Leyli entertains herself by watching films.Farhad tries to keep hopeful atmosphere at home by buying some flowers. Taking care of spring flowers during these hard and lonely days of quarantine is promising.Leyli is measuring Farhad’s blood pressure. These stressful days of hearing death news caused by Corona specifically spreading among elderly makes Leyli worried about her husband and she tries to take essential care so that they do not have to go to the clinic for medical care.Farhad starts another day in self-quarantine with despair and uncertainty in their bedroom. With the outbreak of the Corona virus in the world and the consequent compulsion to quarantine at home, people have stopped working. These conditions increase stress and anxiety about the uncertain future.Leyli helps Farhad put his mask on his face. At the time of the outbreak of Covid 19 and its epidemic in the world, people have the right to be released from self-quarantine only for essential tasks such as purchasing supplies and medicine in accordance with health protocols.leyli is collecting the curtain, which is moving due to strong wind. During self-quarantine, keeping the house clean and creating a calm environment for family members is one of the concerns of individuals so that they can overcome this loneliness and monotony in a closed environment more easily.One of Farhad’s shirts has been washed and hung in the bathroom. In the days of self-quarantine, participating in the daily house chores and caring for each other reduces the burden of loneliness and distance from loved ones and family members.Farhad is disinfecting shoes that may contaminate the home and yard with the Corona virus. According to scientists it is possible to transmit the coronavirus by sticking to the shoes, therefore, disinfection is recommended.Leyli is disinfecting the banknotes she took from the seller while she was shopping. The rapid spread of the corona virus, which is often transmitted through contaminated hands to objects and then to other people, has led people to clean non-washable objects by disinfecting them with alcohol.In the basment of the house lots of food, goods , household items and personal healthcare priducts are being stored. With the ongoing global pandemic and the forced lockdown by the government, people are scared to run out of thier basic needs so most of them have shopped and stored food and goods to keep them going for several months.The daughter and the only granddaughter of Leyli and Farhad have come to see them after a long time. Adherence to self-quarantine and the necessary distance from each other to prevent the possible outbreak of Covid 19 disease, has caused them to visit their loved ones from a distance to reduce the risk of contracting the disease.