Since the first COVID-19 case was officially announced, right before the new year, people have stayed in quarantine. I visited 15 people who had stayed at home for more than a month. I interviewed these people about their feelings and occupations at the time of outbreak of the virus. I visited them in their apartments and captured their portraits, reflected in the windows from which they gaze out every day. They described the personal experiences of the pandemic.
Farhad- 36 – director of photography My job was not affected by thecoutbreak, because our projects start in the second half of the year, but it has affected many jobs. During this time, my lifestyle has not changed much, except that I have been watching more movies and reading more books. During quarantine, I was close to my family but away from my friends. Being separated from them is the saddest thing about Coronavirus. I was quarantined for a few weeks, but I circumstances dictated that I stopped. No one around me has this disease. I think that in the future, everything will return to normal and we will forget what we have learned. Lessons that we might have never experienced in our normal lives. Aida-21-painter The COVID-19 outbreak was one of the most unexpected and strange events that has happened to me. It put my regular life on pause. It was a frightening reminder for home during quarantine. Although, I am less motivated than usual, and some of my projects are completely stopped. Every day, I spend many hours with my family at home, and my personal lifestyle has suffered. I have become estranged from my usual diet, working hours, sleep schedule, and even my hobbies. Working in this period makes my life a bit different from other peopleÕs. At the same time, coronavirus doesn’t allow me to see people, and my relationships have been limited. A fear of losing people makes me try to keep my online connection with my family and friends. It has been almost 2 months since I have travelled any farther than Ekbatan, but some nights I go out to work. Coronavirus hasnt affected by career very much, but it has postponed many of my projects and destabilied my life. I have no clue about the future, but I have no doubt that the repercussions of Corona will affect our relationships, life, and behaviour for a long time. Nika- 24 -painter During Corona time, being away from my students and not knowing what are they doing after school is really bothering me. I am quarantining myself, but I am also doing my work from home, so that I can keep myself motivated. Sometimes I speak with my friends, but, to be honest, I am happy to be away from many of our family gatherings for a while. Since they told us to stay home, IÕve only gone out for necessities a few times. Four of my relatives have had Coronavirus; three of them have recovered, and one of them, unfortunately, passed away. Fortunately my dad has been financially supporting me, so my lifestyle hasnt changed much. Yasi- 24 – Social media manager. I started working from home during the Coronavirus epidemic, but it isnt going well. I have a sleeping disorder, so it has taken extra effort to remain organized. Going to the cafe with my friends was a big part of my daily life, which is now completely absent. I have been really sad about that, but with walking around on my own has helped me emotionally. Living with my family has its own challenges. My grandfather and some of my friends have contracted Coronavirus, but I havent been exposed. Aside from my outdoor walks, IvÕe been completely quarantined for a month and a half. I think we will appreciate our friends and family more once this is over, but the economy will probably be really bad. Arzhang – 26 – Playwright For me, Corona was something that happened extremely suddenly, and I was reminded that we can’t be sure about our future dreams and decisions. As a teacher, my salary normally comes from the schools. Since they were shut down, I havent received my salary for 2 months, and all my shows and rehearsals have been canceled. I have spent most of my time watching movies, reading books, and writing. I have tried not to spend a day without doing these activities. I have not been going to my favorite places, and, with the exception of my parents and my brother, I habvenÕt been seeing much of other people. IÕve been trying to be cautious. When I lost my salary, it sapped my motivation to continue writing. I think that this outbreak has divided time into Òpre-coronaÓ and Òpost-coronaÓ. Probably those who survive this disease will have some psychological trauma, and we will have some behavior problems such as compulsive hand washing. At the same time, however, Òpost-coronaÓ time will present new opportunities. Zohreh- 36 – Tattoo Artist During the coronavirus outbreak, I temporarily lost my job. I have tried to add some constants to my life, balance my sleep and eat healthier. Sometimes, I exercise using a phone app. Right now I can’t travel, but I am dreaming about it. I have start painting again after a two year hiatus. At the beginning of this cris, I was really sad and even cried some times. This was the first Nawruz that I was away from my family and my boyfriend. After a month, I went to Ahwaz and I met up with them. Since my boyfriend was lonely and under a lot of stress, he decided to introduce me to his family. His family came to my family’s house to propose marriage. However, the rest of the ceremony was basically on the phone. Without shopping and even without buying a ring, we engaged. We came back to Tehran and our friends visited us, but I sanitized everywhere after every short visit. We havent had any money problems, because we had ample savings. Honestly, I think it has been a good way to pursue our engagement, without so many of the unneccesary parts. I think that after Corona, people will realize that life can be short. I don’t know what it has taught me, and don’t know when it will be over. Arash – 35 – Music producer In my opinion, the corona outbreak doesnÕt have a special affect on our lives. Soon, everything will be back to normal and we will forget about it and live our lives. If mankind isnÕt afraid, it will be normal. Unfortunately, for many jobs not many good things are happening. Brick and mortar businesses are suffering, but online commerce is doing well. I think that weÕll be more accepting of teleworking. I love this lifestyle because it leaves me with a lot of time. In my opinion, we are becoming more efficient in how we use our time and resources, and the natural environment and weather are improving. Stronger friendships and relationships will have a better chance of surviving social distance. Elmira – 26 – employee Coronavirus has had an effect on my lifestle. It has given me the opportunity to exercise daily as a matter of routine. On the other hand, I had to cancel a trip that I had been planning on going on. I had been in quarantine for a month, but ultimately I had to return to my job. My uncle was treated for COVID-19, and after a month in the hospital, he is fine again. The future after this outbreak could be bright. It may make better people out of us, after all the time we have had to think. Bita- 38- Sales manager Life after corona is like life after the death of the father of a family. In my opinion, many things will definitely change. Corona has changed the way we work. Our lifestyles after Corona will be strange. Maybe we wonÕt shake hands anymore, and hugging a family member will be something very special. I was quarantined for about 50 days, but I ultimately returned to work and began hanging out with friends again. Our business, which is the sale of sweets, has suffered, but we can still sell a little bit of our products online. The future after Corona is a scary, the same as its advent was. Arash- 40- bussiness consultant Our lives and our businesses are threatened by Corona. The best way to make a living during this time is to invest in a business that has been positively affected by the outbreak. We don’t eat out anymore; I realized that I’m interested in cooking, and we’re constantly making new food. We have been watching a lot of soap operas. I started practicing long distance running. Quarantine doesn’t make any sense. They needed to do more tests, and quarantined those who were sick. IÕve suffered some financial losses; I didnÕt make the money I normally would have around Newroz. This tiny virus has taught us a lot. No one ever imagined this threat, and no one had considered the economic threat. Social distancing made many people feel imprisoned; emptiness and loneliness became a big part of our lives. These feelings became routine, and we became homesick in our own country. Mohammad Mahdi- 35 – Consultant It seems to me that a new era of human life is taking shape. This situation may change our lives forever, even if its effects are indirect. They may range from changes in our vision of the earth and the universe, to political and economic perspectives. All in all, this outbreak, self isolation, and oft-compulsory quarantine, has reduced my mobility drastically. My work situation hasnt changed much, as I was teleworking before. In fact, it has been interesting for me to see everyone else work the same way as I have been. I have much more time for family and making food than before, which is good, and I’m glad that nobody around me has been infected. Of course, the family business, which is pistachio farming, has suffered from a decline in demand and prices. There is no guarantee that we will be able to move product in the coming year either. My relationship is limited to closer relationships. This caused my more casual relationships to become more distant. Unlike in the past, IÕve spent more time playing videogames. I don’t think Corona will end, and it will probably stick with us. ItÕs time for us to learn to live with it. I hope this will change people’s view of life and the earth. I hope we calm down a bit. Sara – 26 – researcher in chemical company I find my view on Corona frightening. I don’t know what to expect. I don’t even know if I’m one of those people who is going to stay healthy and survive, or not. I became unemployed during theoutbreak because my company shited to making hand sanitizer, and my job was cut. Corona’s effect on my lifestyle is as follows: IÕve taken up garding, IÕve taken better care of myself, and I spend more time with my family. I miss other people a lot. In the past, I would offset loneliness with hard work. But now I take care of myself. I spend time laughing, dancing, cooking and gardening. Corona has made me spend a lot more time with my family. I can see my younger sister grow up and watch her development. Our virtual communication has also increased, but I am trying not to spend so much time on the internet. My quarantine lasted one month, and the reason for breaking it was that I was going to university and I had to lab work. I tried to see some of my friends, while following precautions. Early on during the outbreak, my father got the virus, and so we were greatly distressed It was terrible; for the entire two weeks of his treatment, we were afraid for his life. From a financial standpoint, it has been two months that I have not received a salary, which has been causing great issues. I see the future after Corona as a very good and positive one. I feel that people will appreciate each other more. Personally, I can love people more. And after Corona, I think that people will be more determined to reach their life goals. Bahar – 26 – environment engineer student In my opinion, the situation in Iran is improving, and despite all the deaths and sorrow during this time, many good things have also happened, such as familiarizing ourselves more with online commerce. Personally, my job is in a very turbulent situation; as an immigrant in Italy, my position was more vulnerable. Corona has had a huge effect on my sleep schedule. I sleep from 4 a.m. until 12 noon. Corona robbed me of my mornings. I exercise more than usual, and I’m very happy about it. I don’t have much appetite for food. All my exciting trips that I was planning before have been cancelled. I read more books, watch more movies, listen to more musics, and play in a MMORPG that I never played before. I am more connected with people through new virtual connections. My trip back home to Iran was supposed to be for 20 days in order to celebrate a friendÕs engagement, but it has now lasted over two months since the outbreak has prevented me from leaving Iran. The nearest person to me who got Corona is the brother of my father’s colleague. Personally, I lost my houseÕs furniture in Italy. I couldn’t pay my rent anymore, so I had to give each piece of my stuff to an acquaintance. My family doesn’t have a salary now; the little income we have is less than our rent, and it has caused a lot of pressure. The future after corona will involve more online activity, economic decline, but an improvement in the health of our environment and we will be yearning for hugs. Alireza – 27- university student, freelance job In my opinion, Corona will have deep consequences for the whole world, and these consequences will be severe for Iran’s economy. This pandemic is a novel situation all over the world. We Iranians are no exception, but we can tolerate crisis, so the system of our society may not collapse compared to other countries. ItÕs not so bad here in relative terms. However, most of the salaries are limited, and I don’t see a secure future for investment and employment in Iran right now. I think that I will have to work much harder for a stable job. It’s been two months that my social life has been disrupted. I have been reading books, watching movies, and listening to podcasts. I exercise less and spend more time playing online games. My family’s relationships have not been too affected. Honestly, at the beginning my quarantine regimen was not terribly strict; I went out almost every day either for shopping or for a walk. No one around us is infected, and of course we do our best to follow the necessary precautions. In the end, I think life after Corona will undergo a series of serious changes. There will be more interest in online businesses and online socializing, and humans will have to devote more time to their privacy. Safoura – 27- researcher/ translator At the beginning, I was quite terrified, and I even had nightmares. In the building where we lived, Corona had three victims, and we were terrified of using common spaces such as elevators and stairs. The initial panic had me washing my hands so often that my palms were peeling. In the summer, I was supposed to take summer classes, but I received an email last week that all applications and admissions had been suspended indefinitely. I canceled my embassy appointment to get a visa. It was hard in the beginning. Although my job involves working from home, it was difficult to stay inside so much because it was not my choice. That messed me up. My productivity was down and my sleep schedule was thrown off, so I had to readjust it. I didn’t watch movies, but I worked hard and had the chance to finishan article that I was writing. I couldnt hang out out with friends a lot at the beginning, the fear of being infected moved our socializing online. Then, we use online gaming, and this regular recreation brought us closer together again. I didn’t have any financial or work problems, and in fact I could save money and, thank God, I still have clients. I have no idea about Corona’s future. The Spanish flu pandemic took two years, and I can’t imagine anything lasting that long. However, these days I am more interested in podcasts and television programs than speaking about Corona. Oil fluctuations scared me, and, based on what I studied, I know some businesses will go bankrupt. Marzieh – 44- actress Whether the virus is man-made or transmitted from an animal, it is a serious warning to all of us to take better care of our environment and planet. Economically and professionally, if I just look at my own job, and those of my colleagues, it has been a tragedy. Because, as actors, we are practically in constant proximity to one another and the audience, we are deeply affected. Unfortunately, I have lost a position in film project, which has been placed on hiatus until the situation calms down. For me, coronavirus has almost been like a long meditation. I have been organizing my thoughts, postponing my work, ending bad relationships, watching new movies and TV series, reading books, testing new recipes, and enjoying the long silence . Of course, I realize that one can’t spend their entire life in silence and meditation, and that eventually we will need to get back to normal, whilst maintaining the principles of hygiene. The quarantine will finally end one day, but it will definitely change our lifestyle. I don’t know when and how this will happen, but I’m looking forward to brighter days. Covid-19ÕÕs silver lining is that it has increased love amongst people. Something that was either forgotten or insisted to be forgotten ….